
来源:八戒影院人气:228更新:2022-08-08 20:37:38


i will follow him
follow him wherever he may go
and near him i always will be
for nothing can keep me away
he is my destiny
i will follow him
ever since he touched my heart i knew
there isn't an ocean too deep
a mountain so high it can keep
keep me away
away from his love

i love him, i love him, i love him
and where he goes i'll follow, i'll follow
i will follow him
follow him,wherever he may go
there isn't an ocean too deep
a mountain so high it can keep
keep me away
follow him
follow him wherever he may go
there isn't an ocean too deep
a mountain so high it can keep
keep us away
away from his love
oh,yes,i love him
i'm gonna follow
he'll always be my true love
from now until forever
if i love him
i'll follow him
there isn't an ocean too deep
a mountain so high it can keep
keep us away
away from his love


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